This Is the Life is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Albert de Courville and starring Gordon Harker, Binnie Hale and Betty Astell. It was made...
This Is the Life
A spy has his son steal an Admiral's submarine plans.
The Luck of the Navy
A British officer in the Camel Corps in Egypt goes undercover to investigate a gang of drug smugglers. He enlists the aid of a female pilot to help...
The Camels Are Coming
The film depicts a dramatic episode in Danish history: the tumultous relationship between King Christian VII of Denmark and his English consort...
The Dictator
Police battle against a gang of blackmailers known as The Crimson Circle.
The Crimson Circle
A rich girl's fiancé poses as a chauffeur to stop her eloping with a major.
The Experiment
Based on the short story from George Eliot's 1857 work Scenes of a Clerical life. A chaplain to an aristocratic British family falls in love with...
Mr. Gilfil's Love Story
An adaptation of a Sherlock Holmes short story starring Eille Norwood.
The Yellow Face
The Golden Pince-Nez
Silver Blaze
A Gipsy Cavalier
The Pauper Millionaire