Čisté ruky
Episodic film consisting of three satirical shorts ('Smutný káder', 'Typický prípad' and 'Vel'korysá kampaň')...
The Devil Does Not Sleep
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his...
The Last Witch
Šťastie príde v nedeľu
Historical satire from the first half of the 19th century, which captures the decay and decline of the landed estate. The impoverished peasants still...
Earthly Honor
Slnečný kúpeľ
Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
Noc v krčme „U veľkého diviaka“
Kde leží naša bieda
Klietka plná vtákov
Čaj u pána senátora
Rajský plyn
Timon Aténsky
Zázrak v Alžbetkove
Veľká poľovačka
Geľo Sebechlebský
Skaly a ľudia
Muž ktorý sa nevrátil
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro...
Trip on the Danube
Prípad Daniel
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to...
Majster kat
12 mesiačkov
Vráťte mi školné
Elixír života
Zabiť človeka
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to...
A Pact with the Devil
Ľubica medvedica
Hostinec pod gaštanom
Zlatá panna
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak...
Dialogue 20-40-60
A man changes his behavior according to the term of the year.
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora
Chlapci, dievčatá a psy
Básnikova cesta do neba
Bírbal a sprisahanci
Divá kačka
Kufor plný zlata
Tuba plná peny
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village...
Naši pred bránami
Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky
Tie malé výlety
Ďaleko je do neba
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Zlaté jabĺčko
Mont Oriol
Muž, ktorý vedel lietať
A comedy film taking an ironic view of the bourgeois period prior to the First World War.
Žltý dostavník
Set in Bratislava in the 1930s, about a clerk at a humanitarian foundation who is unjustly accused of embezzling a large sum of money.
An Honest Thief
Archimedov zákon
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
Pole neorané
V piatok, trinásteho...
Mladé srdcia
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