Ensemble film revolving around characters living in Forest Gate, London. Over the course of a few days, six inter-linking stories explore issues of...
Ill Manors
A drug addict named Michelle's daily life consists of selling her body to be able to afford her addiction.
A mockumentary about five arrogant overpaid homophobic racist ex-Manchester United players who had the chance to become heroes in 2010 - and failed...
United We Fall
A group of aging London gangsters go on a vigilante killing spree when one of their number is murdered by a street gang.
We Still Kill the Old Way
Ruthless killer for hire breaks the rules of his profession and falls for a beautiful young woman. Discovering the notorious gangland brothers had...
A black ops sniper is blackmailed by a psychotic international terrorist into killing 6 unrelated people in 6 hours... but there is more to the...
Age Of Kill
The explosive follow-up to We Still Kill The Old Way (2014). Regarded as the best in the business, The Archer Gang is an aging criminal outfit who...
We Still Steal the Old Way
Ex-gangster Harry Payne confronts his violent past and vengeance from beyond the grave.
Evil Never Dies
A darkly quirky comedy-drama set in London that follows the unexpected journey of Ali Nawaab, a disillusioned dentist wannabe stand-up comedian in...
My Crazy Love Story
Disillusioned dentist Ali Nawaab hopes to become a stand-up comedian but his attempts to find a voice on stage are hampered by memories of his blonde...
The Conversations